Monday, June 16, 2014

HIJAB... lets talk about hijab.."Hijab is my choice"^^

 Nowadays.. there a lot of fashion in hijab..such as tudung bawal,pashmina,shawl,halfmoon 
shawl and a lot.. im not know a lot about nowadays hijab trends..because i was fall in love with bawal and stick with bawal fashion..*my trouble english..pheeww :D*..why i love bawal because it easy to wear and not to short..remember..the reason u wearing hijab is for close your aurah!!!

u can wear hijab in many forms..u can follow the fashion/trends..but the important is your aurah must be cover!!!

u know what..when u wear hijab..u become more cute,more elegant,more fashionista..and the important is u become more safe..because when u wear hijab u automatically protected :D

some people will say "u look old fashion when wear hijab","u look like a moving tent","don't u fell hot??"...ignore what people say..because u are born alone,you'll die alone,and in grave alone..and u will be judged's your life..u have your own right..its your choice to wear cover your aurah..get a rid of what people say ^^

if u about to start wearing's okay to stat to change to become better..keep it up..and gambatte :D
if u don't know how to wear hijab..u can ask your friends who wear hijab..or the easy way youtube and search about "tutorial wearing hijab with covering chest"

here are some cute cartoon girl wearing hijab picture that i found in google image..isn't it cute wearing hijab :D *it's cute girl^^*


remember covering aurah/the chest is better :D

ok only that's for today..Assalamualaikum :D..#KeepPrayForMH370

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